
Moline Assisted Living Community

Our Moline Assisted Living Facility Weighs in on Osteoporosis

At Park Vista–North Hill, a premier assisted living facility in Moline, we have heard there is hope on the horizon for treating and managing osteoporosis. This disease can disable seniors if they fracture a bone after falling. There are even extreme cases where seniors have broken bones sneezing or bumping into furniture. Until recently, our

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Memory Care in Waupaca

Memory Care in Waupaca and Common Alzheimer’s Myths, Part 2

This is the second part of the blog series from Pak Vista, a premier facility for memory care in Waupaca, about common Alzheimer’s myths. Last time we covered how memory loss and Alzheimer’s are not a normal part of aging, the misconception that Alzheimer’s and dementia are the same things, the misconception that Alzheimer’s is

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Assisted Living Facility in Clinton

Feeling Less Lonely While Living at an Assisted Living Facility in Clinton

Studies indicate that being lonely can be horrible for seniors. In fact, being socially connected can help improve your mental health. That’s why being involved at a Clinton assisted living facility is essential. It may even keep you from getting sick! That’s right, being less lonely can help you live longer. However, sometimes being social

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Assisted Living Facility in DeForest

Deforest Assisted Living Facility Reports TikTok Isn’t Just for Teens

TikTok isn’t just for your teen anymore. The platform takes all ages by storm, and seniors are no different. Our assisted living facility in Deforest has been browsing the social media platform, and many people are sharing recipes, gardening tips, and even exercise routines. There is also plenty of content to make your loved one

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