As a leading assisted living facility in Moline, Park Vista–North Hill has residents that are here for various reasons. Some choose assisted living for the fellowship and camaraderie of living with other seniors. Others have chosen assisted living due to a specific medical condition that requires frequent attention. There are multiple factors that could make someone explore moving to a Moline assisted living community.
However, the decision to move to assisted living is not always easy for some families. Many times, a parent can be extremely hurt or offended at the suggestion of moving to an assisted living facility in Moline. Even if you are trying to help your parent, they might not be very open-minded about the possibility of leaving their home. After all, they’ve probably lived in a comfortable environment for many years.
In order to have more productive conversations with your parent about relocating to a senior living community in Moline, our team at Park Vista–North Hill has a few suggestions. We hope these can help your parent become more open to discussions about assisted living.

Find a Different Approach
It’s challenging to find the best way to get through to a parent when discussing assisted living. If your first attempt doesn’t go well, try changing your mindset. It’s good to give your parent a sense of control during the discussion. Don’t tell them, “You need assisted living” or “You have to move out.” Make sure you express your sincere concern and love for them.
Try to Highlight the Benefits of Assisted Living
During your discussions, try to focus on all the positives your parent will experience with assisted living. When the idea of assisted living is first presented, it will likely catch your parent off-guard, and they may not react positively. They’ll be more focused on the fact that you want them to move out and not the positives of a new environment. It’s important to talk about the friendships and community they will experience at a Moline senior living community.
Take a Break from Your Discussions
If the topic of assisted living has come up multiple times and you have made no progress, go ahead and step aside for a bit. Maybe it’s a few days, or it might be a few weeks, but take a break to avoid damaging the relationship. After a few days of reflection, your parent may come to the realization that they need some extra assistance. Who knows? Maybe they will come to you to discuss a move to a senior retirement community in Moline.

Is Your Parent Ready to Relocate to a Moline Assisted Living Community?
Moving is always difficult, but especially when you ask a parent to leave their longtime home. If you choose Park Vista – North Hill as your parent’s new home, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your loved one is constantly surrounded by a kind, caring, and compassionate staff.
To find out more about our facility and treatment options, give us a call today at (309) 752-9711 or contact us online. We look forward to hearing from you soon.